Thursday, September 6, 2012

GSpark Lives! ...And Reviews: Technology

Okay, so 10000 gp and one proverbial cleric later, and I have now successfully revived this blog to its former glory! Which didn't have much glory to begin with, but anyway... I am hereby branching out in this blog to include a few reflections I have while I am in another writing class, this one inspiring me to give up the aforementioned 10000 gp to a cleric of the cyberworld. I'll still have some talk about videogames, anime, etc., in the foreseeable future (how about that Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, huh?), but don't be surprised if I suddenly go off on a different route than normal. Like I'm doing right now!


Today, we look at two discussions, one put forth by an author named Neil Postman and Elder Dallin H. Oaks, an Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Both refer to the pros and cons of technology--and as I post here it's worth noting that today's world is so full of tech we might as well be Cybermen. Postman's overarching theme was that technology changes culture, and, if we're not careful, we may lose it. Elder Oaks talked about using focus and priorities to develop a technological discipline so technology doesn't get in the way of what matters more. Put them together, and we ultimately need to ask ourselves: what are we doing with our tech? Are we getting smarter wiser by using it, or are we just wasting bandwidth on Reddit or [insert social media website here]? Maybe if we had a purpose in mind when using "teh interwebz"... we'd get more out of it than we think.


Coming Soon: I promise I'll post about Star Wars soon! It's likelier to happen over the weekend; I just hope I have enough time to fit this AND homework AND social life AND Pokemon... yeah, one of those may end up getting crowded out. >_< Okay, waving out again!


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