Heh, what can I say? When you get delayed, you get delayed. Partially that's due to me going to Anime Banzai this past weekend (I was cosplaying Sanji from One Piece), but also I've been busy playing Pokemon so much, I crowd out the time to review it! Ahem, anyway, another short blog post before Pokemon shows up!
Oh, copyrights. They do so much to help individuals protect their works of art... when big name companies aren't taking advantage of them. But now we have YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other websites, big and small, on the internet letting people share movies, TV, and music for free, those same companies are throwing tantrums about losing money due to everyone sharing everything and not paying them to do so. I have little, if any, sympathy towards such companies that don't realize they're sitting on a gold mine of publicity and aren't profiting on concerts, CDs/MP3s, posters, and other memorabilia they wouldn't normally sell without free sharing. Instead, they pushed for the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which was a terrible law that would've only protected their interests, not the interests of the original owners who weren't getting the copyrights to begin with.
Are artists more helped than harmed by people who share their work illegally? Maybe... but that argument has never been very convincing to me. But then, I haven't really researched the issue. Makes me wonder if anyone has crunched the numbers on just how much revenue comes from people who wouldn't have contributed it without first getting it for free...